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Best of Big feet big penis › Home › Identity. Science says there's no little to no correlation, but the connection was always much more about not having tiny lady feet than anything else. Mautz conducted a study in that suggests penis size influences attractiveness and sexual selection. "This observation has generated. Not so much a myth, more of a generalization (in my general opinion) as larger feet/hands tend to be a more masculine trait than smaller ones. A study conducted by the University College London published in the British Journal of Urology International determined that there is no link between penis size.

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Would be hot seeing you suck his cock Science says there's no correlation between penis size and shoe size sites nude. Science says there's no little to no correlation, but the connection was always much more about not having tiny lady feet than anything else. Mautz conducted a study in that suggests penis size influences attractiveness and sexual selection. "This observation has generated. Scientists have studied the connection between foot size and penis size. Here's what they've found. No. There is no relationship between foot size and penis size, or hand size and penis size, or any other part of a man's anatomy. Penis size is. A study conducted by the University College London published in the British Journal of Urology International determined that there is no link between penis size.

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Views: 1957 Date: 12/21/2023 Favorited: 28 favorites

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