What Is An Alabama Hotpocket
About. An Alabama Hot Pocket is an NSFW slang term that's a sexual act of defecation into a vagina to then have intercourse with. A douche. Its a device which shoots water up their to clean it. Douche the slang comes from the vagina cleaner. I had to look up what an Alabama hot pocket is. Apparently it's. kabarilman.com › My-boyfriend-wants-to-perform-an-Alabama-hot-pocke. kabarilman.com › alabama-hotpocketfc.
Slang Define: What is Alabama Hot-pocket? - meaning and definition .
Gorgeous girl love to wank and suck her beautiful cock chat international. The “Alabama hot pocket” is a morbid, questionable sexual act, in which two people, either two women or a woman and a man is involved. A douche. Its a device which shoots water up their to clean it. Douche the slang comes from the vagina cleaner. 1. Italian slang for vagina. Used by old Italian men who hang out in front of deli's. I wanna ram my cock in Robin's pookyak S. Spreading Rumours Podcast by Kristen Hanby New episodes every Sunday @2pm. FULL EPISODE: kabarilman.com?v=93wtSDLz5rs. The Alabama Hot Pocket is a special fetish maneuver that roughly involves taking a shit into a womans vagina, typically followed up by a good ole fuckin. The.
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