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The Vagina

The vagina is held in place by endopelvic fascia and ligaments (see the image below). Superior view of pelvic organs. View Media Gallery. The. Vaginas are elastic, so they're able to expand and snap back much like a rubber band. VIEW ALL HISTORY. Share this article. Medically reviewed by Stacy A. The vagina is a distensible muscular tube, approximately 9cm long. It extends upwards and backwards from the vestibule of the external genitalia. When not sexually aroused, the vagina is a collapsed tube, with the front and back walls placed together. Witschi's view is supported by research by Acién et. You may need to pull back slightly on the hood of the clitoris. You might also have to spread apart your pubic hair to get a clear view of the.


Vagina Parts | a Diagram and Guide of Female Anatomy .

So hot i will do this too fuck me juicy gals. Vagina parts: just a handy diagram and guide to the anatomy of your 'down-there' area · 1. The vulva · 2. Labia majora · 3. Labia minora · 4. The vagina is held in place by endopelvic fascia and ligaments (see the image below). Superior view of pelvic organs. View Media Gallery. The. The vulva includes the: labia; vaginal opening; clitoris; urethra. The vagina is a muscular canal lined with nerves and mucus membranes. It. The vagina is a distensible muscular tube, approximately 9cm long. It extends upwards and backwards from the vestibule of the external genitalia. When not sexually aroused, the vagina is a collapsed tube, with the front and back walls placed together. Witschi's view is supported by research by Acién et.

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